Friday, April 1, 2011

Too much of social media, is the personal realtionships up for Sales?

With so many social sites up, is it not that we are moving away from the personal relationships, is it not that the time we are spending trying to be updated on social sites could have been used to share moments on phone or personal meeting. How different it is to hear the voice and meet in person than typing electronic words? Sudheer mentioned that Social Networking is already at sales, but is that they are selling or is it an illusion to the personal relations being on sale??


  1. Social networking is a fad and it will go away slowly as you will see companies encashing them to mint money. purpose of social networking was to build you relations strongly and keep them alive life long, but now its seen as tool for peeping into personal lives, making a big network in which you hardly know few people well. People are posting their time of going to loo or what they had eaten yesterday in dinner. its getting worse and it will lose its sheen away during the course of time and relationships will be there strong and firm if they are built that way...

  2. social networking can be bad and good also it depends upon how you use it......No matter all use it as making new friends but if you look it from my eyes it is the cave of gold you can make huge amount of money from there...........

  3. I feel that we aren't aware of the utility of a social network'g tool enough in India. These are really powerful tools but we aint utilizing them to the fullest but to us its more of a style symbol.
    twitter/ fb/ orkut/ even linkedin are just to define a statement to individuals profile.
    I wish we actually understand the ability of these tools & utilize to the optimum.
